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Today we begin factoring, which is the second big idea in this chapter.  With factoring you begin with a polynomial sum and end with a polynomial product.  Just like you prime factored numbers in chapter 1, you'll now be prime factoring polynomials.  The first set of videos concentrate on factoring out a greatest common factor and the second set of videos discuss guess and check which is the first technique for factoring trinomials.  This material is covered on pages 219 through 230 in the Engaging Algebra text.

5.5 Factoring out the GCF 

After practicing with these videos you'll be able to recognize, and "factor out", the greatest common factor from a polynomial sum (and/or difference).

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5.6 Factoring with Guess and Check

After working with this material you'll be able to factor trinomials using a procedure that's often called guess and check.  (the procedure is sometimes called using trial and error).

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