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Today we'll practice subtracting integers and we'll begin operation on rational numbers (fractions).  Today's lessons cover pages 29-40 in the Engaging Algebra textbook.

1.4 Subtracting Integers 

After this lesson you'll be able to subtract integers.  This is one of more difficult topics in algebra.  Please practice rewriting subtraction as adding the opposite since it's one of the most common strategies for the rest of the course.

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1.5 Reducing Fractions

After successfully completing these videos you'll be able to reduce fractions using prime factorization.  Prime factoring is one of the basic skills that we'll use all semester.  It will be necessary for chapter 5 and chapter 6.

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1.6 Multiplying and Dividing Fractions

After this work you'll be able to multiply and divide fractions (rational numbers).

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